Welcome to very first post of our new weekly series "Battlestation Break Down". In this series, we will go over our favorite battlestations from the past week, bringing you inspiration and details about each of them.
Since this is also the first time we are doing this, there is a potential that we could change the format of this series based on your feedback. That's why you should let us know what you think.
We also got some brand-new widgets specifically designed to showcase these battlestations. You can simply tap to see more picture or go full screen.
In case you were living under the rock and somehow ended up on this page :) Not sure if that is even possible but here is the popular definition from urbandicitonary written in 2010 to help you catch things up.
A term referring to a desktop computer setup. Includes the tower, monitor, mouse, keyboard, mouse pad (if applicable), Audio playback and recording devices (if applicable), and even wires/cables.
We thank urbandictionary user `Proged` from 2010 for bringing you up to speed with recent terminology and start our break downs.
I can already hear you ask "Why do we need a series for this? Don't we have subreddits, Pinterest and Instagram for all this?" Well, hear me out.
Look, I started this website because I was spending way too much time online going through similar monitor arms. It wasn't because I was indecisive (well, I'm kind of indecisive but we will kind of ignore that for now). It was because I wanted to see as many options as possible before pulling the trigger on buying one.
We will try to address a similar problem with this weekly series. It is going to be mostly pictures and necessary information about each battle station for you to see what's out there. And when It's time for you to do a make over, you built your taste buds and know what you want.
This post took little over 4 nights to compile (Potentially, also because It's my first time doing this. You made this far, If you think this is interesting and I should continue this series please share this somewhere on the Internet so I can reach more people, and bring you better content next time.
Not only that, but I also spent some time working on the HTML of this page so that if you actually share this on social media It comes with nice pictures and looks good ;) at least in theory...